Financial woes, divorce, death of a spouse, an unplanned move at your employer’s request, health problems that make it impossible to stay in your current home, or other unforeseen events can mean you are forced to downsize. This is an even more unpleasant thought than those who elect to downsize. But forced downsizings can turn out to be even more enlivening and rewarding than ones that you choose to go through. Why?
You probably ask yourself, “How can I feel good about this type of situation?” You may not feel good about it now, but keep the “end game” in mind and know that you WILL feel good about it once it’s over.
We all have burdens to bear. Many of them are self-made (“I moved into a house that’s too large and the mortgage and maintenance costs are keeping me awake at night.”); others are out of our control (“My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and I can no longer take care of him AND deal with household chores and maintenance.”).
No matter why the unplanned downsizing is happening, summon all the strength and courage and energy you have as soon as you know the situation is closing in on you. Put your house on the market or, if you’re renting, give your landlord adequate notice, even if you don’t know where you’re going. Start cleaning out closets and the garage. Try not to dwell on the reasons why you’re downsizing, and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. Once you’re out of the tunnel, you’ll be lighter and leaner and in a better position to start living your new life.